Thursday, July 22, 2010

Part 2: More of

I've gotten more of a reaction than I thought I would! Thank you for those in the community who have emailed me or supported my efforts in forums. It is imparitive that RTW/PB deal with these hack programs, else their game will lose subscription numbers quickly. Cheating/Hacking programs ALWAYS drive down the player base when companies fail to react and let these programs run rampant like the disease that they are. They are in strict violation of the ToS in a game, and companies need to pursue the cheaters more vigorously than just banning them after weeks of hacking.
All gaming companies should blacklist credit cards + name/address (prevents changing credit card) combos used on accounts that have been CONFIRMED hacking/botting on more than 2 games/accounts. This gives players their one warning, and allows for a mistake by the gaming company. Players that are placed on the blacklist should stay on for at least one year.

Why have gaming companies not done this? Money. Hackers/botters pay for the game just like you and I, and after their account is banned, they'll just create another one. Thats 49.99 more for a key and 14.99 more per month. In fact, its more profitable to ban a hacker after he is hooked on the game simply on the fact that most hackers will rejoin the game after a ban. This is why most companies wait at least a month before issueing out the first ban wave.


They know they have a 'traitor' in their midst and had a decent conversation about me:

Feel the love, right?

Onto my main point. has grown almost 2,000 members since 12 June 2010, which is when the APB Key to the City event started and pre-order subscribers started playing. Now, that doesn't mean people who paid to use the bot, but thats 2,000 people interested or purchasing the aimbot hack. Thats a lot! The only two reasons an account would be registered on these forums is to: A) Post a question, or B) Buy the program. Non-bot purchasers can see the non-subscriber portion of the forum without registering an account. Note: THERE ARE LOTS OF MEMBERS WHO NEVER POSTED. These people most likely bought the bot and only read the forums since there is no reason to register an account if you are not going to ask a question or buy the hack.


THATS A LOT OF NEW MEMBERS IN JUST OVER A MONTH! To be fair, remember what I said about user registration.

What makes these hackers even more sad in the world of gaming is how they just absolutely thrive off of kicking your ass using the hacks. They get a high off of it and think its so cool! What they don't realize is the only people that think its cool is the other 2,000 people reading their post. The 10,000 non hackers.... They think your hacking e-peen is about the size of this period. They don't care about the game or its players, just about their rush. From the looks of things, most of these botters won't be around for the long run anyhow.

Below is only a portion of the posts in this forum stating many of these guys have once again started to use their hacks regardless of punkbuster's activation. Looks like PB may not be very effective at all:

If you have suggestions for my next hack target, please feel free to email me at


  1. Good work. I applaud any efforts to throw cheaters under the bus. Also, good eye with their registered users. It's a damn shame that a couple thousand people flocked to this cheat site willing to throw money at them for short lived skills. When they could pay someone like me to train them to be online beasts without cheats. Keep up the work , it's good to see someone point out their BS.

  2. Thanks for the post! I've added your site to my blog and will keep checking in.

  3. LOLZ likes you


  4. Loves you too

    Try to beat us ? We'll pewpew headshot ya

    have fun in the QQ blog
    X22 and AA FTW Lulz0r
